Jack’s Abby Red Tape,Can, 12oz

Jack’s Abby Red Tape,Can, 12oz

  • 5.00%
  • Jack's Abby Brewing
  • Massachusetts, USA
  • Domestic


in stock
  • 1 pack
  • 6 pack

Product Description

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Country of Origin: Massachusetts, United States

Brewer’s Notes: “Navigating the labyrinth of brewery licensing and state regulations isn’t easy. When we finally got the green light, we also got inspired with the perfect name for our pilot brew. Red Tape Lager has a full malty flavor typical of Bavarian dark lagers. Cold fermented in the 40’s and lagered at freezing, a traditional spunding process allowed for 100% natural carbonation. Prost!”

Beer Style: DunkelweizenWheat Ale,

Beer TypeAle

Alcohol By Volume: 5.3%

Brewery: Jack’s Abby Brewing

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