Anchor Porter, Bottles, 12oz 6 pack

Anchor Porter, Bottles, 12oz 6 pack

  • 5.60%
  • Anchor Brewing Company
  • California, USA
  • Domestic


in stock

Product Description

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Country of Origin: California, United States

Brewer’s Notes:“With deep black color, a thick, creamy head, rich chocolate, toffee and coffee flavors, and full-bodied smoothness, Anchor Porter® is the epitome of a handcrafted dark beer.A blend of specially roasted pale, caramel, chocolate, and black malts, along with our top-fermenting yeast, creates complexity without bitterness. The brew is hopped at a high rate, and naturally carbonated. The result is dark in the glass, but surprisingly light on the palate”

Beer Style: Porter

Beer TypeAle

Alcohol By Volume: 5.6%

Brewery: Anchor Brewing Company

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